

 프로필 사진
노현주 (Hyunju Ro)   이메일아이콘
세포분화학실험실 (생명시스템과학대학 409호)


2012. 2. 21 – Present Professor; Department of Biological Sciences, Colleage of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2009. 3 – 2012. 2 Research Fellow; NIH-NICHD-PGD Fellowship Sponsor; Dr. Igor B. Dawid
2005. 10 – 2009. 3 Post-doc; NIH-NICHD-PGD Main mentor(PI; Dr. Igor B. Dawid)
2004. 3 - 2005. 8 Post-doc; Department of Medicine and Cell and Developmental Biology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, USA (PI; Dr. Tao P. Zong)
2003. 1. 17 – 2005. 8. 31 Associate Research Assistant; Research Institute of Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea (ROK)
2003. 3 – 2003. 8.Postdoctoral Scholar; Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea (ROK) (PI; Prof. Myungchull Rhee)
2002. 3. – 2002. 8. Teaching Assistant; Laboratory of Basic Biology, Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea (ROK)
2001. 7 – 2002. 6.Research Assistant; Laboratory of Neurodevelopmental Genetics, Department of Biology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon Korea (ROK)


Binary or singular Gene switch system
- 형질전환 동물 제작을 위한 세포 독성이 없는 binary 유전자 발현시스템 개발
- 세포주 구축을 위한 singular 유전자 발현 시스템 구축

단백질 항상성 연구
- HSP90에 의한 UPS 단백질 기능 조절 과정
- UPS 물질 동정

유전자 가위
- TALEN, RGEN을 이용한 유전자 KO